When it comes to variety in weather, Rochester, New York, sees it all. From hot and humid ninety-degree days in the summer to windy subzero temps in the winter, Rochester homes need to be concerned with energy efficiency, no matter the season. Older homes tend to be drafty in the winter and leave much to be desired in keeping the house cool in the summer as well. When energy efficiency and economic savings are on your mind during the home buying process, building a new home might be a better option for you.
When you build with Faber Builders, you can rest assured that your home will be optimized for energy efficiency and to be best for the environment and your wallet. With Energy Star Certified microwaves, dishwashers, and refrigerators and LED light bulbs in most of the lighting fixtures that we install, we make sure that the appliances and fixtures in your home are the best products that we can use to maximize your energy savings.
Not only that, but Faber Builders is also proud to work with a local consulting agency to test that our homes are as tight, or tighter, than the building code requires for new homes. With one of our brand-new homes, there is never a reason to worry about drafts under doors or leaky window frames causing a chill on a late February night.
Beyond what we can do, however, are the simple habits you can start, as a new homeowner, to help reduce your energy costs each year. Setting your programmable thermostat to be lower in the winter months and higher in the summer months while you’re away at work, and then allowing them to adjust back to comfortable temperature in the evening when you’re home is a great way to save some money on the heating and cooling of your home. Also, unplugging unnecessary electronics during the day, when they aren’t in use, will help save energy as well. Lastly, make sure to change your furnace filter as often as is recommended by the manufacturer to increase the efficiency of your furnace.
With a new home that is up on the latest building codes and standards for the industry, along with some common-sense habits to reduce extra energy costs, your home doesn’t have to suck your entire paycheck into the utility bill each month. Instead, it can be a place that is comfortable, cost-friendly, and efficient for you for many years to come.
Faber Builders Corporate Office
3240 Chili Avenue Rochester NY, 14624
Phone: (585) 889-4840
Fax: (585) 889-4190
Prices and models are subject to change without notice.
All Rights Reserved | Faber Builders, Inc.