Roses from your significant other. Potted plants from your mother. It doesn’t matter. You kill everything with your not-so-green-thumb. It’s OK, you’re not alone. That’s why this month, we’re featuring a series of blogs on plants you cannot kill (or at least you’ll have a hard time killing them).
Don’t be “that house” on the street. Grab your gardening gloves and toss-around shoes. This week we’re featuring our favorite shrubs that you cannot kill.

Otherwise known as the “Pink Lady,” this flowering shrub gives your landscaping a blast of color, even into late winter. If you’re in need of a hedge and love colors like pink, coral, bright orange or even white, this shrub is perfect for your space. The flowering quince works well in wildlife gardens, so if your property backs up to trees, the dense interiors will provide great shelter for birds.
If high-contrast is what you’re hoping to achieve with your landscaping, the Black Beauty Elderberry might be the shrub for you. Its beautiful dark leaves are complimented with pink blooms which appear mid summer, followed by berries. You won’t want to eat the berries, however if you love birds, you’ll notice they’re drawn to these berries.
More popularly known as a hibiscus, the Rose Satin brings beautiful, bold color through huge blooms in colors such as white, red, lavender and pink. If birds aren’t your cup of tea, but you prefer the likes of butterflies and hummingbirds, you’ll find they are attracted to the Rose Satin.
This mid-spring blooming shrub forms a beautiful fountain of white flowers, which linger on for about a week. It’s an extremely low-maintenance shrub, but it just needs room to spread, so the branches can do what they do best: cascade (and take up a ton of room in your yard so you don’t have to worry about planting a huge variety of other plants).
Bridal Wreath Spirea is best combined with perennials, so if you like this shrub the most, stay tuned to our blog next week on perennials that you cannot kill.
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