You may think your credit score is just a number, but to a lender, it can be the difference between offering you the best available market rate, and a much higher mortgage payment.
Understanding what goes into your credit score is important. Short credit history can been seen as a negative on your report, as it reflects a shorter time period of financial responsibility—the less experience you have making (any) payment, the less likely you are to understand how to handle a larger payment, like a house. Late payments can put a damper on your credit score, too, as they reflect poor money management. Additionally, having a high debt-to-income ratio can impact your score, because it shows you are charging beyond your means.
Here are some tips on improving your credit score before applying for a mortgage:
You may be missing out on the best interest rates if your credit score is not above 760, and scores in the 600’s may need a couple years to resolve. If you’re ready to build your home, but need a little help with your credit score, Faber can set you up with credit counseling to get you on the right track. We’ll work with you to get you in the home you deserve.
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3240 Chili Avenue Rochester NY, 14624
Phone: (585) 889-4840
Fax: (585) 889-4190
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