Innovative materials that serve to save energy, lower utility bills, and increase the value of the home for future potential home buyers are becoming more accessible and cost-efficient. There is no longer debate about the value of these energy-saving ways to more effectively and cheaply heat and cool homes throughout changing weather extremes.
Sustainable materials and home construction techniques help to make a home last for a lot longer while conserving valuable energy when running heating, cooling, and other systems in the home. The following innovative materials used in new home and remodeling construction will lower home energy bills and serve to increase the property value when it comes time to put the home on the market.
The combination of concrete slab construction and an inner insulation process makes home construction using insulating concrete form (ICF) is an effective way to produce solid, durable, and high energy-saving exterior walls. The wide range of ICF benefits for new home construction, room additions, and major renovations include the ability to stand up to the most extreme weather conditions and the creation of a solid barrier inside the home that will take significantly less energy for HVAC system operations. Using sustainable construction methods like ICF construction will also serve to increase the property value of the home.

A similar material to ICF is offered at Faber Builders called Superior Walls. These materials offer similar properties to ICF that are guaranteed to ensure that homes built with Superior Walls are durable and energy efficient.
As building codes react to increasing public awareness for energy-saving home building construction methods, home construction and renovation projects look for ways to save on energy costs that will also increase the property value for resale purposes. Installing polyiso insulation is an effective and affordable way to insulate your roof, basement, and exterior walls from weather conditions and temperature changes that will hike up utility bills throughout the year.
Leaks and cracks in older windows and doors make heating and cooling systems have to work hard, causing wear on HVAC units and increasing utility bills throughout the year. Proper and complete window and door sealing act to keep homes tightly sealed for better control and reductions in energy costs.
At one time, having solar panels on the roof of homes was a luxury, space-age form of generating energy that was inaccessible to most people. In recent years, Solar panels have become more a mainstream and accessible way to power residential operation systems. The mere presence of solar panels on the roof will hike up the resale property value as home buyers look to create net-zero homes that create more energy than they use. Consider pairing solar panels with an energy-efficient roofing option such as metal roof tiles to further reduce your energy bills.
Using innovative, energy-saving materials for new home construction and renovations that increase the property value is becoming the standard for the real estate market all over the country. These methods have been refined and technological advances continue to make it more affordable to create an energy-efficient home that saves money, the planet, and adds to the overall value of the home.
Skylar Ross is a contributor to the Innovative Materials blog. He is a content writer for the construction and home improvement industries with an interest in landscaping, outdoor remodeling, and interior design. Skylar is focused on educating homeowners, contractors, and architects on innovative materials and methods of construction that increase property value, improve sustainability, and create a warm and welcoming ambiance
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